Cervical Health

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Cervical Health

Anatomically speaking, the cervix is the lower part of the uterus. It acts as the cavity wherein the embryo grows into a fully-grown baby during the term of the pregnancy and is then delivered at childbirth from a small opening at the end of the cervix. The common disorders of the cervix include – inflammation of the cervix, cervical cysts, cervical polyps, cervical cancers amongst other disorders.

Abnormal bleeding is a common symptom associated with cervical issues. Frequent & often painful urination, bleeding between periods, painful intercourse, post-intercourse bleeding amongst others are some of the other conditions associated with cervical diseases. It is recommended that you see a gynecologist if you were to experience any of these symptoms on a regular basis.

The causes for cervical issues are largely three-fold – sexually transmitted infections, allergic reactions to certain contraceptives, and bacterial overgrowth of the commonly found vaginal bacteria. Thus, safe sexual behavioral is highly recommended, also use of contraceptives must be regulated and not rampant.

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