Breastfeeding Support

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Breastfeeding Support

Mother’s milk is the most effective source of nutrition for the baby while breastfeeding helps both the mother & child develop a very close bond. Breastfeeding also offers excellent deterrence against breast cancer. However, in several cases, mothers are either unable or unwilling to breastfeed their child for several reasons. In most cases, it possible to overcome the difficultly or unwillingness with sufficient counselling and help.

Breast milk is beneficial for the baby as it provides wholesome nourishment for its growth and development. It digests readily & has no allergens and therefore presents no harm or side-effects at all. Also, it contains all essential elements and thereby ensures no supplemental food may be required for the health growth of the baby. Mother’s milk is also rich in immunity-providing agents which lends disease & infection protection capabilities to the little ones. Also, breast milk has been found to be very helping in the development of brain & teeth of the child.

Breastfeeding a child not only helps the child, but there are several benefits for the mothers themselves. First and foremost, breastfeeding a child, helps improve the mother-child bond. And this is one of the primary facets of the mother-child bond. Additionally, breastfeeding is helpful in overcoming the risk of breast cancer and several other cancers as well.

While, post-partum weight loss is normal, breastfeeding the child is helpful in accelerating the weight loss and helping you return to your normal shape and size at the earliest.

For a lactating mother it is advisable to consume a lot of liquids. A balanced diet is ideal with little or no ghee, butter and rich sweets. It helps to take 3 to 4 glasses of milk, plenty of fruits in the diet. Garlic, fenugreek, almonds, spinach, pear and guava help. An early dinner is also recommended. Staying away from alcohol consumption, smoking and other unhealthy lifestyle habits is highly preferred.

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